Guide for Authors

Authors should submit their manus hand over or by email to the Editorial Secretary.

1-1: Requirements for new submission

           Authors may choose to submit the manuscript as a single word file to be used in the reviewing process.

1-2: Requirement of revised submission

          Only when the submitted paper is at the revision stage, authors will be requested to put the paper into a ‘correct format’ for acceptance and provide the items required for the publication of the manuscript.

2-1: Ethics in Publishing

        Authorship credit should be based on:
  1. Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data,
  2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and
  3.  Final approval of the version to be submitted for publication.
             All of these conditions should be met by all authors. Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group alone does not constitute authorship. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section. All authors must agree on the sequence of authors listed before submitting the article. All authors must agree to designate one author as the corresponding author for the submission. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to arrange the whole manuscript according to the requirements and to dialogue with the co-authors during the peer-reviewing and proofing stages and also act on behalf.

2-2: Peer-Review Process

          To sustain the peer-review system, authors have an obligation to participate in the peer-review process to evaluate manuscripts from others.  When appropriate, authors are obliged to provide retractions and/or corrections of errors to the editors and the Publisher.  All papers submitted to the IJAR will be peer-reviewed for at least two rounds. IJAR adopts a double-blinded review policy: authors are blind to reviewers, and reviewers are also blind to authors. The peer-review process is conducted manually in the hard copy submission to the IJAR Office or online manuscript submission and peer-review system. After a manuscript is submitted to the online system, the system immediately notifies the editorial office. After passing an initial quality check by the editorial office, the manuscript will be assigned to two or more reviewers.  After receiving reviewers’ comments, the editorial team member makes a decision. Because reviewers sometimes do not agree with each other, the final decision sent to the author may not exactly reflect the recommendations by any of the reviewers. The decision after each round of peer review may be one of the following: 
  1. Accept without any further changes.
  2. Accept with minor revision. The revised manuscript may or may not be sent to the reviewers for another round of comments.
  3. Accept with major revision. The revised manuscript is sent to the reviewers for another round of comments.
  4. Reject. The manuscript is rejected for publication by IJAR.
  5. Unable to review. The manuscript is reassigning to other reviewers. 

 2-3: Post-Publication Evaluation

          In addition to Peer Review Process, the IJAR has Post-Publication Evaluation by the scientific community. Post-Publication Evaluation is concentrated to ensure that the quality of published research, review and case report meets certain standards and the conclusions that are presented are justified. The post-publication evaluation includes manually or online comments and citations on published papers. Authors may respond to the comments of the scientific community and may revise their manuscript.
           Manuscripts must be submitted Arabic with English abstract or in English with Arabic abstract and should be written according to sound grammar and proper terminology. Manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman of 12 pt. font and in MS-Word format in one column use A4 paper for typing. Manuscript submission must be applied once in order to obtain only one submission ID number. More than one submission for a single manuscript can lose the chance of the manuscript consideration. Manuscript must be accompanied by a Title Page including title and author(s) name and their affiliations.

3-1: English Language Writing

              All publications in the IJAR are in English language. Authors whose first language is not English should make sure their manuscript is written in idiomatic English before submission. Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). No language and copy-editing services are provided by the IJAR; hence, authors who feel their manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors are encouraged to obtain such services prior to submission. Authors are responsible for all costs associated with such services. 

 3-2: New Submissions

             Submission to IJAR proceeds totally online and authors will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the manuscript files. As part of the manuscript, authors may choose to submit the manuscript as a single file to be used in the refereeing process. This can be a Word document (*.doc or *.docx), that can be used by referees to evaluate the manuscript. All figures and tables encouraged to be embedded and included in the main manuscript file 

3-3: References

             The list of references should be provided in English even if the reference is written in Arabic according to the method used by the IJAR. Author(s) name(s), article title, year of publication, journal abbreviation, article/chapter/book title, volume/issue number and the pagination must be present. Use of Digital Object Identifier System DOI is highly encouraged.

3-4: Formatting requirements

           There are no strict formatting requirements but all manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to convey your manuscript, for example Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Please ensure all figures and tables should be embedded and included in the main manuscript file. 

3-5: Revised Submissions

            Regardless of the file format of the original submission, at revision the authors are instructed to submit their manuscript with IJAR format at Word document (*.doc or *.docx). Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible. To avoid unnecessary errors the authors are strongly advised to use the ‘spell-check’ and ‘grammar-check’ for the submitted manuscript. At this level the author(s) name and affiliation should be inserted.

3-6: Manuscript Submission and Declaration

          While submitting a manuscript to IJAR, all contributing author(s) must verify that the manuscript represents authentic and valid work and that neither this manuscript nor one with significantly similar content under their authorship has been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere including electronically in the same form, in English. All authors have agreed to allow the corresponding author to serve as the primary correspondent with the editorial office, to review the edited manuscript and proof.

3-7: Manuscript Submission and Verification

            Manuscripts are assumed not to be published previously in print or electronic version and are not under consideration by another publication.
            Manuscript literature and tenses must be structured as: Title; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements and References submitted in a file with limited size.
4-1: Title Page
           The first page of the manuscript includes the title (capitalize only the first letter) of the article, followed by one-line space and the names of all authors (no degrees) and their addresses for correspondence, including the e-mail address of the corresponding author. The first letter of each name and main word should be capitalized. The title, author’s name and affiliation should be centered on the width of the typing area.

4-2: Manuscript Title

          Title of up to 17 words should not contain the name of locations, countries or cities of the research as well as abbreviations. Avoid complicated and technical expressions and do not use vague expressions.

4-3: Abstract

      An abstract of 150 to 250 words that sketches the purpose of the study; basic procedures; main findings its novelty; discussions and the principal conclusions, should not contain any undefined abbreviations or references.

4-4: Keywords

             Provide at least 5 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes. Keywords should not repeat the words of the manuscript title or contain abbreviations and shall be written in alphabetical order as separated by semicolon. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter through the text.

4-5: Introduction

              Describes briefly the background of the investigation with updated information and states the aim of the study.

4-6: Materials and Methods

            Provide sufficient details to enable the experiments to be reproduced. Support the techniques and methods used with references. Investigations on animals must comply with institutional and/or equivalent guides for the care and use of animals. Metric and standard international units should be used in this section and throughout the manuscript. Specify the computer software used for statistical analysis and define statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols applied.

4-7: Results

             Present the results and their significance clearly. Graphs and tables should be self-explanatory. Do not repeat in figures or in the text the data presented in tables. Tables and figures should be numbered in the order of their mention in the text.


4-8: Discussion

          Deals with critical review and interpretations of the results, and supported by relevant updated references. Repetition of data should be avoided. It should end with brief conclusions. In Short Communications, Results and Discussion may be combined.

4-9: Conclusion

       This section should highlight the major, firm discoveries, and state what the added value of the main finding is, without literature references.

4-10: Acknowledgements (IF)

         Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. Financial support affiliation of the study, if exists, must be mentioned in this section. Thereby, the Grant number of financial supports must be included.

4-11: References

          References to literature should be numbered (in brackets) consecutively in the text in the order in which they are first mentioned, and listed at the end of the manuscript. Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the List of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE ( Personal communications or unpublished data should be mentioned in the text, but not included in the list of references.

4-12: Tables

           Do not submit tables and graphs as a photograph. Tables should be set within the text. Do not use internal horizontal and vertical rules. Tables should be set within the text and should have a clear and rational structure along with consecutive numerical order. All tables should be numbered (1, 2, 3, etc.). Give enough information in subtitles so that each table is understandable without reference to the text. For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table. Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption. Tables should be with the captions placed above in limited numbers. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.

4-13: Figures

         Figures and illustrations should be in high-quality artwork, within 200-300 dpi. Ensure that figures are clear, labeled, and of a size that can be reproduced legibly in the journal. Figures should be set within the text. Following remarks should be applied to the figures:
– Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Include the captions in the text of the manuscript.
– Figure captions begin with the term Figures. Figures should be with the captions placed below in limited numbers.
– No punctuation is to be placed at the end of the caption. 
– Identify all elements found in the figure in the figure caption; and use boxes, circles, etc., as coordinate points in graphs.
– Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of the figure caption.
          All contributing authors should qualify for authorship. The order of authorship should be a joint decision of the co-authors. Sufficient participation in the work is of utmost importance. To download the Authorship Form,.
           Authorship credit should be based on substantial contribution to conception and design, execution, or analysis and interpretation of data. All authors should be involved in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, must have read and approved the final version of the manuscript and approve of its submission to this journal.
           Journals should make clear the type of copyright under which the author’s work will be published.  Upon submission of the manuscript, authors should attach a complete Journal Publishing Agreement. To download Author(s) Copyright Form,  

IRAQI JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH IJAR applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License to articles and other works we publish. If you submit your paper for publication by IJAR, you agree to have the CC BY-4.0, license applied to your work. Under this Open Access license, you as the author agree that anyone can reuse your article in whole or part for any purpose, for free, even for commercial purposes. Anyone may copy, distribute, or reuse the content as long as the author and source are properly cited. This facilitates freedom in re-use and also ensures that IJAR content can be mined without barriers for the needs of research.

If your manuscript contains content such as photos, images, figures, tables, audio files, videos, etc., that you or your co-authors do not own, we will require you to provide us with proof that the owner of that content (a) has given you written permission to use it, and (b) has approved of the CC BY license being applied to their content. We provide a form you can use to ask for and obtain permission from the owner.  If you do not have owner permission, we will ask you to remove that content and/or replace it with other content that you own or have such permission to use. Don’t assume that you can use any content you find on the Internet, or you consider that the content is yours just because it isn’t clear who the owner is or what license applies. It’s up to you to ascertain what rights you have—if any—to use that content.

 If the paper was published under a CC BY license or another license that allows unrestricted use, you may use the content in your IJAR paper provided that you give proper attribution. If the content was published under a more restrictive license, you must ascertain what rights you have under that license. At a minimum, review the license to make sure you can use the content. Contact IJAR if you have any questions about the license. If the license does not permit you to use the content in a paper that will be covered by an unrestricted license, you must obtain written permission from the publisher to use the content in your IJAR paper. Please do not include any content in your IJAR paper that you do not have the right to use, and always give proper attribution.

IJAR reserves the right to remove any photos, images, figures, tables, illustrations, and the like, from any paper, whether before or after publication, if we have reason to believe that the content was included in your paper without permission from the owner of the content.


             All articles published in IJAR are open access and distributed under the open access license agreement. Allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint,  and/or copy the content of IJAR as long as the original author/s and source are cited properly. 
              Authors are requested to clearly identify who provided financial support for the conduct of research and/or preparation of the article and briefly describe the role of the funder/sponsor in any part of the work including design and conduct of the study, data collection, data management, data analysis and interpretation, preparation, review and approval of the manuscript.
          When an author(s) discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher to retract or correct the manuscript.  Finally, the corresponding author should be ensured that all appropriate co-authors included on the paper have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
 To download Submission Checklist,.
    1. Read the Journal’s Guide for Authors and make sure that the manuscript (text, tables and figures) meets Journal requirements.
    2. The manuscript contains the main sections outlined in Journal’s Guide for Authors.
    3. Spell-check the manuscript.
    4. All authors must read the Ethics in publishing, Plagiarism prevention, Violation of publication ethics and Handling cases of misconduct before being submitted to the IJAR.
    5. The Manuscript has been read and approved by all listed authors.
    6. Not only the Corresponding Author, but also the whole contributors of the manuscript are advised to be registered at the journal website in order to keep their names in the manuscript bio-sketches.
          The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) may be used to cite and link to electronic documents. The DOI consists of a unique alpha-numeric character string which is assigned to a document by the publisher upon the initial electronic publication. The assigned DOI never changes, i.e., When the authors use a DOI to create links to documents on the web, the DOIs are guaranteed never to change.